Sunday, April 29, 2012

Oreo Cake

Oreo Cake aka Snake Charmer
Blind date story will be at the end. This is an insert from my "not" published book "Blind Ingredients". Agents do not like taking on new writers. I have to say, they are missing out. all you have these days is movie stars or reality TV stars books or some that have been around forever. I guess, they know it will be a hit in sales if you have a celebrity writing it. Pooh on them for not giving me a chance, but I'm not giving up. I'll send out another round to some more soon.

OH...I didn't tell ya'll about my wonderful dream I had. Paula Deen and I were cooking together and she wanted to help me get my book published. I'm not for sure if I believe in signs or not, but if that was one; TRUST ME, I'LL BE A BELIEVER in them. ha!

1/2 pint vanilla ice-cream, soften
1 cup crushed Oreo cookies
8 ounces of Cool whip, soften
Small cake or brownie pan - I like to use a metal pan

So simple. In large mixing bowl; mix all together. Place in small cake pan; covering in foil. Put in freezer over  night.

I added a few more Oreo's to the top.

Your kids and even grown-up kids will love this. I use to make this all the time for Natalie's birthday.

Ready for my blind date story?

Snake charmer:
Can you remember when cell phones were stationed in your car? I was heading to work one morning when a radio station said they were giving away N’Sync (Natalie’s favorite band at the time) concert tickets to callers. So I automatically started calling and hitting redial. It had been raining, and when I looked up there was a dully truck in front of me with a steel tommy-lift gate. You guessed it, I slid right into it.

Okay, let me back up a little bit. A friend down the street had been telling me about this guy she wanted to fix me up with, but I didn’t want to set up at the time so I kept blowing her off.

I called her from my cell phone (the one that caused me to have the wreck).  The truck didn’t even have a scratch on it, but mine was caved in at the front right tire and my bumper was hanging off. So my friend told me to go to this car place and ask for this person (the guy she wanted me to go out with). Oh my gosh, he was gorgeous! He did help me with my car and told me where to go to get it fixed.

One more time, let me back up. The week before the accident, I had told my mom that I just wanted a man that loves God, likes to go to the farmer’s market and wants a best friend.

Now get this. He called me that night and guess what he said? Just what I had told my mom the week before. It was karma, and this guy had me hooked. We had a wonderful time on our date. He always said the right thing, opened the car door, the works! Everything seemed wonderful.

Then the Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band came into town for a local music festival. He was supposed to meet me and a couple of friends at the show after work. We went early to get a table at this local patio bar. He was running late, so I called. NO ANSWER. I waited an hour longer and called again. NO ANSWER. By that time I was getting worried about him, and I couldn’t even have fun. So we missed the concert and my friends drove me by his apartment, thinking something terrible had happened. I worried and cried all weekend.

The next week he called with some lame excuse involving one of his brothers. There was something different in his voice. We went out a few more times and everything seemed to be back to normal. He went to Florida for a week and called everyday telling me how much he missed me. The following week I went to Florida with my family and called him every day also.

When I got back, I thought it had been two weeks and I’d missed him. I bet he’s missed me too. We had made plans to do something, and once again I waited and waited. NOTHING. Needless to say, that was the last of him.

MORAL: Don’t always believe a snake charmer, even if he says all the right things.

Be Sweet and Stay Sweet!

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