Thursday, February 9, 2012

Chicken Thighs with a Twist

I have to admit, I'm having a hard time naming this recipe. Not for sure if I gave it the right name or not, but boy did it turn out scrum-deli-ious. I know, not a word but its in my Robinism dictionary. ha!

Chicken Thighs with a Twist
4 chicken thighs
1/4 sliced onion
1 bunch baby carrots
1 cup frozen English peas
1 chopped garlic clove
1 twig of rosemary
1 cup chicken broth
1/2 cup white wine or  you can use chicken broth
salt and black pepper

1 cup flour
1 egg
1/2 cup milk
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon fresh chopped tarragon
1 teaspoon black pepper

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Sprinkle salt and pepper on each side of the chicken. Add 2 tablespoons of chicken broth to large skillet, and on medium heat, brown each side of the chicken. Add the remaining chicken ingredients and simmer. I just put the whole rosemary twig in there (no need into chopping it up - just discard it when serving).

In small mixing bowl; mix together biscuit recipe. Dollop around the top of the chicken mixture. I used 1 spoonful around.

Bake in oven for 45 minutes and serve.

I loved the biscuits on top, just the right amount of herb and sweetness. Yum...makes you want to slap your momma. Well..not really but very  tasty.

Today is just not my thinking cap day - can't think of name for my recipe or a love dare. I lost my phone  yesterday, I've never done that before. I have been so scattered brain lately. I mean, if my brain was not embedded in my thick skull head; it would of fallen out and I would of stepped on it.  Hmm...


This is not a love dare, but something to ponder. What does love mean to you? What does it mean to your mate? I think we all can come up with a different answer to that. I think of the vows: for better or worse, richer or poorer, sickness and health. That's huge and so true. Accepting each other for who they are, and still in love with each other. I also think  that love and respect go together.
Okay, I've come up with my love dare, you ready?

LOVE DARE: Pray for you mate. (we should do that everyday)
                        Only say positive things to your honey today - NO NEGATIVE
                       Give your mate a hug today

Love your honey with all your heart, if you do; then all those things above and this week would come naturally.

Happy Valentine's!

Be Sweet and Stay Sweet!

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