Saturday, July 30, 2011

Sweet Potato Pancakes

I have new hours at work, 6am to 2:30pm.  I hated it at first, I'm an early riser but 4am, not my cup of tea.  For the first two weeks, I came home and took naps.  I'm use to it now and my new favorite show is Dr. Oz.  I'm learning so much from him.  For instance "Sweet Potatoes", if you eat one cup a day can help prevent cancer.  A lot of people only eat sweet potato casseroles at Thanksgiving and Christmas, but there are so many different ways to fix them.  I gave you one yesterday and here is another. 

1 sweet potato
1 1/2 cup pancake mix - mix as directed on the box
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1 teaspoon of cinnamon

Cook your sweet potato in microwave for 10 minutes and let cool.

Mix pancake mix as directed, scrap out sweet potato from the skin and add to mix.  Adding the brown sugar and cinnamon. Mix all together. Heat skillet with 1 tablespoon of butter and start cooking your pancakes. Serve with your favorite syrup.

One thing about this, is if you have leftover sweet potato casserole, you can use it in your pancake mix.

Talk about YUMMY!!!  

Stay sweet and be sweet.

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