Saturday, August 27, 2011

Celebrity Girls Night Out Pictures

I have to show off and introduce  ya'll to all my friends - Enjoy!

You know I love me some butter

Robin as Paula Deen

Deborah as Sarah Jessica Parker in Hocus Pocus

Jennifer as Katy Perry

Stephanie as Molly Ringwald in Pretty in Pink

Linda as Joan Jett

Dori as Zhang Ziyi

Angela as Marilyn Monroe

Kelly as Whoopi

Candi as Amy Winehouse

Whoopi's interviews

She just couldn't stop interviewing
Joan and Katy getting a little put out with all her ???

Wigs off!

I want to thank all my friends for dressing up and bringing a dish. We had so much fun, and my belly is still full. There's nothing like good friends and good eats. I feel very loved and honored to have such great friends!

Come back each day and check out their recipes.

Be Sweet and Stay Sweet!


  1. Oh my - that is great!!!! That looks like so much fun! All of the food looks delicious!

  2. HOW FUN!! You all looked absolutely adorable and i KNOW you had a blast! I look forward to you posting all the "celebrity's" recipes!
