Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Robinism - Southern Gal

Robinism: Getting to know me a little better...
Sorry, no recipe today. Steve took me out for date night. Can't believe I'm telling you this, we get in the car, Lionel Richie and Diana Ross song "Endless Love" came on. Steve starts singing, and of course I had to be Diana. I know cheesy, but it was so funny. Its times like that, when your heart starts smiling. Let me get back on track, my mind is still in the car singing.

I'm just a simple southern gal that loves to cook and try new things. Steve actually, loves the blog and getting to eat everything, after I take a picture. Ha!
A Little About Me:
I was raised in Star City, AR, and proud of it! Very small town, everybody knows everyone. My mom had a dress shop "Fish Fashions" and my dad had the farm. He would make my sister and I work with the cows and in the chicken houses. We complained all the time, but now that we are both older, we appreciate what our parents taught us, great work ethics, and a lot more. I can ring a chicken's neck. ha! Funny thing about my mom having a dress shop, I had never been to a mall, until I was a senior in high school. When I walked in the mall, my eyes lit up, and you would have thought I was at Disney World.
I graduated high school, and went to Ouachita Baptist one year, then transferred over to University of Little Rock. Been in Little Rock, AR ever since. I had a brief marriage, in which, I was blessed with my baby girl Natalie. She really is my pride and joy. There is nothing like a mothers love for her child.
I was a single mom for seventeen years, and went on numerous blind dates. People often asked why I was going on blind date. I always replied that I was doing research and it gives me the best stories to tell. As Dolly Pardon said in Steel Magnolias: "there's a story to be told." My cookbook (in progress - cross your fingers I can find a publisher), is called "Blind Ingredients", it is a combination of my dating experiences and recipes. I've shared a couple of the recipes and stories, in my blog.

I guess you could say cooking brings out my creative side. Trust me, I sure can't sew.
When I’m upset, mad, or sad,cooking and canning is my way to vent and let it out. No wonder I gained weight. I used to vent my frustration through running, and now it’s cooking and tasting.  But life is way too short to not enjoy scrumptious flavors.

Someone once asked me to describe myself in one word. I chose a pecan, hard on the outside and crumbling on the inside. I was always the one laughing and talking at parties or cookouts, but inside I would be dying. I’ve learned it takes all the trials, good times and bad times, to make me who I am - STRONG, but humble, easy-going but with a spark. Now when someone asks me to describe myself, I’m the Energizer bunny. I just keep going and going and going…
Life has never been real easy for me. It could have been, but I always chose the long way around things, the “HARD WAY”. It’s okay though, it has made me the person I am today. I think God, was preparing me for my Mr. Right. Boy, did He bring me mine, my Steve. We have been married almost 2 years. I had to stop doing research for my book, because he was my happy ever after recipe. I have always been blessed with the best family, my daughter Natalie, and my friends. Now, I have my Steve. Who knows, maybe I can write a cookbook, "Hungry Husband, and I want to be a Skinny Wife".
Cooking Years:
1. I was maybe ten years old; I stayed home that summer, cleaned house and cooked dinner every night. I would also, cook my dad lunch. One time, I was watching something (this is before Food Network Channel), maybe channel 2, but it was a sardine pie. I knew my dad liked sardines, so I tried it. He wouldn't eat it, and neither would the dogs. We had a good laugh.
2. I love chicken and dumplings. Still do, but it took me years to perfect it. The first time, I put too much baking soda in it. It stunk up the house, tasted horrible, and again my dog wouldn't even eat it. Now they are my specialty. I'll teach you my tricks to it, at a later time.
3. I'll never forget the first year I planted my garden. I had a great crop of tomatoes. I went outside, picked all my fresh ingredients, and made my first homemade spaghetti sauce. We had manicotti that night. Oh, I'll have to put that on my list to give you. I have to say I love my herb garden, and using fresh herbs. I'll miss it this winter. I might have to figure out how to plant inside, so I can have one year around. It’s so much cheaper. Not to mention, it just taste fresher and better.
4. Don't know if you noticed, but I'm not a big salt fan, which is great for all of you that are trying to keep your sodium down. My heart doctor once told me, I needed to intake more salt and liquids. I replied, "oh, so I need to start drinking more margaritas?" He said no. It was worth a try ya'll. I still have to make myself eat more salt, but I can't stand it when my food is too salty. So, I eat pretzels, or lick a teaspoon right out of my hand. I know YUCK! But, have you ever had pretzels and Hersey Kisses? Great combo, or Doritos's and M&M's? Yes, now you know my weaknesses in junk food.
One more thing:
I need to thank my main man GOD, without him holding my hand or carrying me most of my way, I would of never made it in life. He’s my rock and is what kept me going. God never gives us anything to keep for ourselves. Whether it is money, insight, or truth, it has to be shared. I guess in my case, I'm sharing my recipes.
Also, my family; my parents, Natalie, Steve, my sister, and my friends, they have been so supportive of me. They encourage me with my new adventures in life. I have to thank them all. 

You have a few things to look forward to on Spice Up Your Life Food Blog:
*Girls Night Out Party (I have a surprise for ya'll)
*Robin's Iron Chef and the Secret Ingredient Is.......
*Let's Go New Orleans Style
*Fish Bites

Be Sweet and Stay Sweet!

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