Saturday, August 20, 2011

Sister's Recipe

Robin and Kim

My sister Kim and I, are kind of like the Baldwin sister's. Remember the show "The Walton's and Miss Emily and Miss Mamie"?  Well, let me back up, we're as close as they were, but we do not live together, we do not make Papa's recipe (moonshine), nor do we sat around drinking Papa's recipe. They would say, "Sister where is papa's recipe?"

Kim & I at Dog Patch USA

We were raised on our family farm and did almost everything together.  She didn't like that little sister had to tag along at times, but she always gave in and let me. I hope she doesn't get mad, but I have to tell this one story on her.

She was probably seven and I was around four.  She was laying on the bathroom floor, with a see-through scarf over her  head.  It was sheer white with bright different colored circles.  I heard her calling my name,
R-o-b-i-n over and over, in this deep dark voice.  When I went in there I leaned down and asked her what was wrong.  She said, "I'm dead".  I replied, "no your not, your still talking to me".  She came back, only to tell you I'm dead.  I can't remember everything she said, but I do remember crying and thinking she really was dead.  She finally started laughing.

We've always been close, but the older we have become, the closer we get.

I'm very blessed to have Kim as my sister. She's the big sister everyone wants to have. I love you Kim! 

Me, Momma, and Kim
You can see by the pictures how much fun she is.

Sister's Recipe
2 lbs. hamburger meat
4 potatoes, sliced thinly
1/2 onion, sliced thinly
1/4 cup of butter
1/2 teaspoon of salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. This is a remix of shepherds pie.

Form four hamburger patties, I sprinkle the salt and pepper on each, then mix together. See picture below.

                                                      Place in 9x13 casserole dish.

Slice potatoes and onions as thin as you can.
   Place potatoes on top, then add onions.  Dollop butter around on top. 

                                                Cover with foil and cook for 1 1/2 hours.

Remix Shepherd's Pie - Sister's Recipe

Be Sweet and Stay Sweet!

1 comment:

  1. Looks yummy! and sounds easy to make, too!
