Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Zucchini Boats

I have a few vegetarians friends following me, so this is for you. I use it as a side dish when I grill tuna or hamburger steaks. I hope you enjoy. You could really mix any of your favorites inside it. Be creative! Here's mine.

Zucchini Boats
2 zucchini's
1/2 cup salsa
2 tablespoons chopped onion
1 cup mushrooms
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1 tablespoon olive oil

Heat olive oil in small skillet; saute mushrooms and onions.

Slice your zucchini's lengthwise, and microwave for 3 to 5 minutes. (according to what size zucchini you have) You want it to be soft.

Let cool and hull out. Place in mixing bowl and chop in the insides up. Mix with the rest of the ingredients and put back in the zucchini boat. Heat in microwave for 5 minutes and serve.

You can eat the boat to.

Back years ago, I sometimes wanted to sell everything I had, move to Mexico, buy a boat and just take people out scuba diving, for a living. A simple life sounds so wonderful to me.  I wouldn’t need much, just a hut to sleep in, a little food, a swimsuit, a hat, and sunscreen. Sounds pretty wonderful to me. That was my daydream when I was having a bad day and need to escape.

That's how I came up with zucchini boats, thinking about my boat in Mexico. Boat - Salsa. I know, Robinism for sure. ha ha!

Be Sweet and Stay Sweet!

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