Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year's!!!

Happy New Year's Everyone!

Have you made your resolutions for the year? I've been thinking about mine. I know I have to loose weight and get healthier. So, I'm having a count down diet until my birthday March 13th. I want to loose 30 pounds. I've tried every diet in the book. Let's see the Carb diet, HCG diet, dexatrim (back in the day), you name it I've tried it. So, I've decided the best is portion control and eating healthy. Now, I will have to have my cheat day and we're going to have Sunday soup day this coming month. Nothing like good hot soup during the winter time, to warm you up. It's like a comfort food to me. I know, I need to exercise, so walking is on my list.

I almost weigh as much as I did when I gave birth to Natalie. When I got pregnant I weighed 115 pounds, just a skinny little thing. I do not want to get that skinny, because then I will get wrinkles. ha! I say my fat pumps out my wrinkles and they don't show. My biggest craving while pregnant was Reese cups and Dr. Pepper, and I wonder why my child is so hyper. ha! The funny thing was after I had her, I was lying in the hospital bed and I raised the covers up and looked down, thinking I would be skinny again. NOT! Ya'll my face swelled, my nose spread out, my lips were swollen, my feet grew a half size, I was HUGE. But it was all worth it, because I have my sweet baby girl. I totally got off the subject there, but that's kind of how I feel right now. I'm out of control! ha

Enough of diet talk, lets get to my main resolution. I've really been thinking what do I really need to change about myself. I'm happy go lucky gal, I've got a wonderful family and friends. I'm sure not lacking in food. So what do I need to change? When I really thought about it, my spiritual life came to mind. I want God's light to shine in me, so when people look in my eyes they see I'm a child of God. I want to be a better witness to others. Amy Grant had a song out years ago, "My Father's Eyes", I want my Godly fathers eyes. I want His light to shine so bright in me. So, that is my prayer, plus have my quiet time everyday reading the bible and praying. My life hasn't always been easy. I've been through all kinds of trails in my life, the one thing that got me through it all was God carrying me. I have a verse taped to my computer. Romans 15:13, Ask  God to increase your trust in Him so that you may overflow with hope. I read it everyday to remind me.

I need to watch my tongue. Have you ever said anything on facebook or in an email and the person took it the wrong way? Boy, I have - I wish people would use the telephone or talk face to face more. I think it has a lot to do with the tone of their voice or how they say it, so a lot of times when you write it, it can come out sounding wrong. Also, gossiping,  putting someone down. I just read the book Christmas Wedding by James Patterson. The mother in the book was wonderful. Her kids described her this way: If I wanted to wear an orange dress and it made me look bad, she never told me. She would say, honey that looks fine, but the navy one with the black blazer looks fabulous on you. It was the way she would turn it around and make them feel good about themselves. I want to strive to be better about that, to watch my tongue. Did you know your tongue is the strongest muscle in your body? It's also the most dangerous. Words can hurt more than anything. They stick to you for some reason.

I read this devotion and wanted to share it with you. Its by In Touch Ministry, Dr. Charles Stanley. I love his sermons and devotions.


December 15
Spending Our Inheritance
Ephesians 1:11-22
The word “inheritance” usually brings to mind the money and real estate handed down from one generation to another. But God has an even greater legacy to share with His children—one that they are given the moment they enter His family.
Galatians 4:7 tells us that believers are God’s heirs. First among our priceless treasures is a living hope in Jesus Christ that cannot be taken away (1 Peter 1:3). What’s more, He pledged to supply our needs according to His riches (Phil 4:19). In other words, we already have all that we need for an abundant and victorious life.
However, some folks get stuck in spiritual poverty because they refuse to view themselves as adopted children. Failing to tap into their inheritance, they’re like a man who sees himself as a poor, sinful creature: he wanders through this big angry world hoping to hold on to his meager scrap of faith until he’s lucky enough to die and go to heaven. Of course that man misses the blessings available in this life, because he’s not looking for them.
How differently people see themselves when they look through the eyes of Jesus. Christians who live like the beloved, empowered heirs that they are will lavishly spend their inheritance of grace to benefit everyone they meet.
God gives all believers a pledge of inheritance out of the unsurpassed riches of His infinite grace. We are spiritually rich citizens of heaven who have nothing to fear in this world. Choose to live boldly for Christ, and see how abundantly God pours out blessing from the legacy already set aside for you.
For more biblical teaching and resources from Dr. Charles Stanley, please visit

I hope all of you are having a wonderful day. We lay around eat and watch football, or sometimes the girls sneak into the other room to watch a movie. Its New Year's day and the best day of the year to be lazy.

I have some good recipes coming up this new year, and you also get to count down my weight with me. I'll be taking a picture every month to see if I've lost any. Wish me luck, I've never been good with diets. But, I'm hoping with spices and herbs I can flavor it up.

Be Sweet and Stay Sweet!

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